Calories in Banana and Plantain Chips

Food database and calorie counter

The favorite choice for the term "Banana and Plantain Chips" is 100 g snacks, banana chips which has about , 33.6 g total fat, 58.4 g total carbs, 2.3 g protein, 519 calories. Calorie and nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Banana and Plantain Chips is shown below.

View other nutritional values (such as Carbs or Fats) using the filter below:
 Total Fat(g)Total Carbs(g)Protein(g)Calories
 100 g33.658.42.3519
 1 oz9.516.60.7147.1
 1 lb152.4264.810.42353.7
 1 kg336584235190

Other Popular Types of Banana and Plantain Chips

 Total Fat(g)Total Carbs(g)Protein(g)Calories
 snacks, plantain chips, salted ()- 100 g29.663.82.3531
 plantain chips ()- 100 g33.658.42.3519
 banana chips dried fruit ()- 100 g7.613.60.8124.6
 plantain strips (Mariquitas Classic)- 1 oz8191150
 plantain sticks (Chifles)- 38 piece11170170
 plantain slices sweet (Maduro)- 289 g6210.785
 plantain strips salted (Miguels)- 1 oz5150100
 plantains (El Isleno)- 1024 chips9170150
 banana chips (Del Monte)- 1/3 cup9191150
 banana chips (Great Value)- 1 serving10201150
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