
  • Post-workout beer: yes or no?
    Post-workout beer: yes or no? As it is known, after intensive physical exercises a human body needs recovering. First, sweating at a gym we lose a fair amount of liquid and electrolytes, so the hydro-electrolytic balance has to..
  • Best Types of Cardio Exercises for Women
    Best Types of Cardio Exercises for Women According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, every adult female needs at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of intense cardio activity per week. The Guidelines offer a wide..
  • How to get the sexiest butt ever
    How to get the sexiest butt ever Don't you dream about tight and round buttocks? Yes, a lot of women are ready to die in an effort to get the sexy Brazilian butt. Fortunately, you don't have to die for it; you just need a little..
  • 10 cunning ways to burn more calories
    10 cunning ways to burn more calories Actually, there are some easy ways to burn damned calories by doing simple things that don't require extra time and many efforts. We get used to the idea that weight loss has its price. We need..