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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 10 Minutes
Servings: 4
From Aglaia Kremezi. The Lebanese believe that zaatar, a mixture of thyme, sumac and sesame seeds, gives strength and clears the mind. For this reason, before leaving home on exam days, all school children eat a slice of bread spread with a mixture of zaatar and olive oil. The traditional recipe for zaatar calls for thyme, but savory - which has an aroma similar to a combination of oregano and thyme - works much better.
1/2 cup excellent-quality mediterranean savory or 1/2 cup thyme
1/4 cup sumaq
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
1. Grind the savory, sumac, salt and sesame seed in a spice grinder or clean coffee grinder until you obtain a fine powder.
2. Keep in a sealed jar in a cool, dark and dry place.
3. To use: mix 1-2 tblsps of zaatar with 1-2 tblsps extra-virgin olive oil and spread on warm, toasted bread.
4. Top with freshly-ground black pepper.
5. You can also top pita breads with the zaatar and olive oil mixture and bake in the oven to make pita crisps.
6. Zaatar will begin to lose its flavour after 2 months.