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Woolfes Candied Dills
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Prep Time: 2880 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 2880 Minutes
Servings: 4
Years ago these were in the markets. Now there is one mail order company with outrageous prices, so I reinvented the wheel. These and the Bread-n-Butter pickles are my favorites and always in the fridge.
2 quarts non-kosher dill pickles (the cheapest supermarket brand you can find)
4 cups regular white sugar
2 cups white vinegar
3 -4 bay leaves, dry ones
5 whole cloves
1/2 teaspoon dill seed
1. Drain the pickles and half or quarter them long way depending on size.
2. Soak them overnight in cold water change once.
3. Drain the pickles and leave in the bowl.
4. Mix sugar, bay leaves, vinegar, cloves, dill seed, and bring to a boil.
5. Pour over drained pickles and let stand overnight.
6. Drain the pickles, reserve the syrup.
7. Put the pickles back in the jars.
8. Boil the reserved syrup 10 minutes and pour over the jarred pickles while still hot.
9. I store them in the fridge in one big jar, the longer stored-and I mean months-the better the taste.