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Wolfzahnblech Aka Vanilla Sticks
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 20 Minutes
Servings: 20
I have a large collection of unusal pans and recipes. This pan was a present from my mom who did a lot of European baking. Translated as Wolf's teeth a vaniila type of cake baked in a special German pan. I have seen a few recepes on the Net for this but nothing like my mother's- so this is an original. Read more . If you can't find the pan, look for a similar aluminum broiler pan I seen around. These are a delicate vanilla butter cake which can be dipped in chocolate, glazed etc. Since the pan makes 10 large stick, I cut each in half for easier eating. These freeze well and the recipe also makes a delighful single layer cake.I froze these for companmy. I also uploaded a few photos so one can see them as well as the pan I used
5 large eggs
2 sticks of butter room temp
1 1/3 cups sugar
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
grated rind from a small lemon
1 tsp vanilla
1. In a large bowl place the eggs, sugar and butter.
2. Beat with mixer until smooth and blended.
3. Add vanila and lemon rind
4. Sift in baking powder with flour.
5. Blend well with mixer until smooth and blended.
6. Grease the pan extremely well.
7. The pan has deep ridges so I use spray Pam or Baker's spray
8. With spoon fill spaces almost to each end or use pastry bag with plain tube to evenly pipe in batter.
9. So place pan on another baking sheet ( to catch anything batter that may spread over the edges and can drip into oven )
10. These will expand and rise as a cake batter and may bake over edges.
11. Not a big deal, just remove with a knife and eat the tasty stuff !
12. Bake in a preheated 375 until sticks are set and pale golden.
13. Could be 15 to 20 minutes
14. Remove to rack and cool about 10 to 15 minutes.
15. Carefully run a knife around edes of each stick.
16. Very carefully remove to cooling rack to cool completely.
17. Drizzle with glaze or chocolare with some nuts or dust with powder sugar.
18. These freeze well.
19. Also delicate and carefully when you lift them as they may crack
20. I cut them in half on a slant when fozen prior to serving.