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Very Very Easy Bread Recipe
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 8
this is an easy bread recipe that can be use for mopping up soups and delicious sauces...also excellent with butter and jam
5 cups plain flour
a packet of instant yeast (10 grams)
a pinch of salt
1 cup warm water
oil for greasing hands
1. mix the flour with salt and yeast
2. separate into two portions
3. to one portion add the warm water slowly and mix with hands
4. mix well and gradually add the remaining portions to the mixture
5. oil hands well and dust work place
6. knead the dough until smooth and elastic (about 8 minutes)
7. place in an oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and place in a warm place (oven for example) for about 30 minutes
8. once double in size, place on work place and punch down and knead for about 2 minutes
9. grease a loaf tin with margarine or butter
10. place the dough in the tin and cover and allow to rise for about 20 minutes
11. remover tea towel and bake at 180 degrees celsius for about 25 minutes minutes or until bread is golden brown and crispy
12. cool in tin for a few minutes
13. turn over and enjoy warm