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Velveeta Velvet (fudge)
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 20
All I can say is don't knock it until you try it and give it to your friends and don't tell them what it is made from and see if they like it. Read more . :) Renamed in Honor of Mark's friend :) .
1 lb. butter
1 lb. velveeta cheese
4 lbs. confectioners' sugar
1 c. cocoa
2 1/2 c. chopped walnuts or your desire
1 tbsp. vanilla
1. In a 5 quart non-stick pan or Double Boiler add Velveeta and Butter, stir frequently until melted. When melted add the vanilla and stir.
2. Next add confectioners' sugar, cocoa, nuts and vanilla stir until mixed
3. Pour into buttered or foil lined 9 x13 oblong pan, spread evenly and chill until cool.
4. Cut and serve.
5. (I usually do not add the nuts and it is possible to melt the cheese and butter and then pour that immediately into a bowl containing the confectioners' sugar, nuts and cocoa.)