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Veggie Patties
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 8 Minutes
Ready In: 23 Minutes
Servings: 6
From Culinary in the Desert's site
1 (15 ounce) can black beans (or chickpeas)
2 zucchini
1 carrot
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
1 egg
1 tablespoon olive oil
1. Wash and drain the black beans and place in a medium sized bowl. Using a potato masher, crush the beans until they form a paste.
2. Lay out 2 paper towels. Shred zucchini and carrot and place on paper towels. Cover with 2 more paper towels, pressing down to drain off water from veggies. If you find there is still a lot of moisture to them, repeat process. When they no longer release moisture, add to bowl with black beans, along with garlic, tahini, bread crumbs and egg.
3. Use a hand to incorporate all ingredients evenly, squeezing the batter to check stickiness. Add another egg if you find it is too dry, more breadcrumbs if too wet.
4. Warm a saute pan on medium high heat with olive oil in the pan. Once warm, create patties with hands of the vegetable mixture and place on pan. Cook about 5 minutes, until brown, flip, then about 5 minutes more, until brown on other side.