Print Recipe
Veggie Frankees
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 25 Minutes
Ready In: 40 Minutes
Servings: 4
This is an easy-to-make, stomach filling recipe. It makes a full meal if served with a bowl of soup and salad. It can also be had as an evening snack and is ideal for a packed lunch. I found it in yesterday's Thursday magazine and it looks so good!
2 cups maida flour
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
4 tablespoons cream
1 cup fresh panir
1 potato
1 carrot
6 -8 french beans
1 onion
2 teaspoons ginger-garlic paste
2 crushed green chilies
2 tablespoons cream
1 tablespoon tomato ketchup
1 tablespoon maida flour
1/4 cup cooking oil
1/2 teaspoon red chili powder
1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder
3/4 cup fresh coriander leaves
1. For the outer cover, mix all the ingredients, knead well till it forms a thick dough.
2. Little amount of water can be sprinkled if needed.
3. Cut all vegetables into small pieces.
4. Cook the carrots, potatoes and beans in a pressure cooker.
5. In a pan, fry the finely chopped onions in 1 1/2 tbsp of oil till they are golden.
6. Add the ginger-garlic paste and crushed chillies and fry.
7. Now add the maida, chilli powder and garam masala.
8. Fry well and add the cooked vegetables, mashed paneer, cream, Tomato ketchup with the necessary amount of salt.
9. Keep frying on low till the mixture thickens to a filling.
10. Add corriander leaves, mix well and set aside.
11. Make medium sized balls out of the prepared dough.
12. Roll them into thin chappatis of about 12cm diameter with a rolling pin.
13. Dry roast them in a tava without oil till they are brown, one by one.
14. Now, hold the done chappatis in your left hand and add 2 tbsps of vegetable mix in one corner of the chappati.
15. Roll it twice and paste the ends with maida-water mix.
16. Similarly prepare all the chappatis and keep them ready.
17. While serving, heat a pan with 3 tbsps oil.
18. Shallow fry the frankees till they are crisp and brown.
19. Serve hot with any chutney or Ketchup of your choice.