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Vanilla Roasted Walnuts
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 1 Minutes
Ready In: 6 Minutes
Servings: 6
I'm slightly addicted to these Vanilla Roasted Walnuts and so is my husband. They have a hint of sweetness and a nice burst of vanilla goodness. On top of that, Walnuts are a great source of Omega-3's, have a high antioxident count and are also beneficial for cardiovascular health. So I'm on the walnut bandwagon. /vanilla-roasted-walnuts/
2 cups walnuts, raw
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons agave nectar
1/4 teaspoon celtic sea salt
1 -2 vanilla bean
1 dash cinnamon, ground
1. Place walnuts and oil in a cast iron skillet (that's what I used, you can experiment) and turn heat to high.
2. As soon as you hear the slightest sizzle, turn heat down to medium or low.
3. Toast walnuts a few minutes until they smell nice and nutty.
4. Add agave and distribute around pan stirring, cook for a minute or two, then add salt.
5. Scrape the beans out of the vanilla pod and stir into walnuts.
6. Remove walnuts from pan and add just a dash of cinnamon if you like.
7. Serve.