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V 8 Juice(Juicer)
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 10 Minutes
Servings: 4
A great healthy vegetable juice with some options from the How It All Vegan cookbook.
4 -6 medium carrots, peeled, cut into chunks
2 stalks celery, cut into chunks
3 -5 small tomatoes, cut into chunks
1 cup fresh spinach
1/4 cup parsley
1 -2 scallion
1/2 small beet, cut into chunks
1 small garlic clove (optional)
1 tablespoon braggs amino acids (or soy sauce)
1 pinch oregano
tomato paste (optional)
tabasco sauce (optional)
1. Run all the vegetables through the juicer. Stir in the Braggs and oregano, and a touch of tomato paste if not thick enough, and pour the juice into glasses over ice and serve.
2. Spike it with a little Tabasco if you want a little zip.
3. Enjoy!