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Uzbek Carrot Salad
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Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 20 Minutes
Servings: 8
This is a recipe my nanny gave me when we were living in Uzbekistan. She measured nothing, only using the palm of her hand, so I prepare it the same way. She also would shred the carrots on a homemade mandolin made from a board and very frightening looking spikes. I use a food processor but always remember the speed with which she could shred the carrots without accident. I have indicated that you need to toss the ingredients together with your hands. Again, this is the way Nilafar taught me to do it and for some reason it just tastes better when done this way! The measurements are approximate but this is a very forgiving recipe. Perfect for picnics and barbecues or as a side to accompany a spicy entree. One note about the white vinegar . In Uzbekistan, one purchases vinegar in very small glass bottles. The acid content is 70% compared to western 5-7% acid content. The Uzbek white vinegar must be diluted in order to use it as in its bottled state it could cause severe burns! I tended to dilute it so it still remained a little more acid than what I was used to as I liked the bite . I do think a strong white vinegar should be used.
1 white onion, peeled, cut into half and then thinly sliced
2 tablespoons oil (can use any mild oil)
2 lbs carrots, finely shredded
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 pinch red pepper flakes (more if you like it hot)
1/4 cup white vinegar (distilled or white wine)
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
additional salt, if necessary, to taste
1. In a small saucepan, heat the oil until almost smoking. Add the onions and quickly brown until some of the small pieces are crispy and dark brown.
2. In a large bowl, place the shredded carrots. Add the onions and oil from the saucepan and then carefully toss with your hands.
3. Add sugar and toss with your hands again to evenly distribute.
4. Add the salt and pinch or more of red pepper flakes and again toss with your hands.
5. Finally, add the vinegar, cilantro and pepper and give one final toss. Taste and add salt if desired.