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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 4
I call this UnSalad because there is no lettuce and most people like it even if they don't think they like salads. Very pretty and super simple! Sorry for the vague quantities, but I just make it according to how many people are eating - I go by color instead of measurements. Read more . Warning: make just enough - it doesn't keep well.
a couple leeks or a few green onions
at least one bell pepper - preferrably yellow or orange, but red is ok - don't use green peppers
a carton of grape, cherry or pear tomatoes
about 1/3 c crumbled feta (the dry kind works better)
extra virgin olive oil
balsamic vinegar
salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
optional: i sometimes add cucumbers cut into thin strips.
1. Cut the leeks (or onions) and peppers into manageable sized chunks. I like to cut them at a slant into pieces about 1 long.
2. Cut each tomato in half (I cut grape/pear tomatoes lengthwise to keep them longish like the onions)
3. Toss all the veggies with EVOO first to coat (this protects them from the vinegar which breaks them down)
4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and toss
5. Add a couple splashes of balsamic vinegar and toss
6. Add the feta and toss