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Tip for Improving Harsh-Tasting Coffee
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Prep Time: 1 Minutes
Cook Time: 5 Minutes
Ready In: 6 Minutes
Servings: 12
It happens to everyone - you try a new brand of coffee that was on sale, your SO brings home the wrong brand, someone gives you the rest of the can after the big event is over, your budget is tight so you had to buy cheap coffee instead of the better brand you normally prefer, ... and you end up with a can of coffee that makes a harsh-tasting, unpleasant brew. But you're too frugal or financially challenged to just pitch it. Here's a way to make it fit to drink. Note - this will not taste like vanilla coffee. It will only mellow the harshness of the wrong-brand coffee. My DH, who loathes flavored coffees, couldn't taste it at all.
4 -5 tablespoons ground coffee (or whatever you normally use to make one pot)
1/8-1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Prepare your coffeemaker with water as usual.
2. Put the coffee into the filter as usual.
3. Drip the vanilla extract over the grounds.
4. Run coffeemaker as usual.
5. Note - this will not taste like vanilla coffee. It will only mellow the harshness of the wrong-brand coffee. My DH, who loathes flavored coffees, couldn't taste it at all. ;).