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Tiny Cactus Needle Remover Remedy
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 5 Minutes
Servings: 20
Mrs. Vogel told me about this one day, when I went to return her 5-five gallon buckets. She had brought them over to me full of pears the week before. We had a nice visit and she told me of the time when her boys were young and fell into her cactus patch. OUCH
1 (20 ounce) bottle johnson's baby oil (with aloe vera & vitamin e)
1 roll paper towels
1. Immediately after falling into a cactus, do the following.
2. Pour baby oil over the area with the needles.
3. Be liberal as you need a lot of baby oil.
4. Then put baby oil on a sheet of paper towel.
5. You'll want a generous amount on the towel too.
6. Now gently rub the area with the needles.
7. She says most of them came right out.