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The Perfect Mango Lassi
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 5 Minutes
Servings: 1
I've been on the quest for the perfect mango lassi. Many times I end up with a nice flavor but the texture's too runny. Then I brought him this utterly perfect juicy fresh sliced mango from Whole Foods...and realized not only is the mango consistency key, but so's the kind of yogurt you use. I like mine a bit tart so I don't sweeten it, but feel free to add some sugar or honey to sweeten this to your liking. The proportion is equal and the cardamom really makes it a lassi instead of a smoothie, but flavor to your liking.
2 cups fresh sliced mangoes (very soft and smooth!)
2 cups plain greek yogurt
splash rose water
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom (approx, see directions)
1. Put the mango, yogurt, and rosewater (just a splash/few drops) in a blender with very sharp blades and blend to oblivion.
2. Add cardamom and sweetener to taste, I just sprinkle some cardamom in without measuring and I like a lot, and pulse lightly.
3. Makes about 2 tall glasses.