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Thanksgiving Mashed Potatoes - Loaded!
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Prep Time: 45 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 75 Minutes
Servings: 8
A friend brought over a pan of these, along with some meatballs & gravy, when we came home from the hospital with our second son who was born on Thanksgiving Day (1991). Since then these have become a tradition at our Thanksgiving feast. The great thing about these potatoes is that they can be made as much as a week ahead of time, then just need to be popped in the oven or microwave to be zapped at the last minute (while the turkey is resting and being carved). You can work on the gravy-and NOT worry about also mashing the spuds!!!
5 lbs potatoes, peeled (9 large)
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 cup sour cream
2 teaspoons onions or 2 teaspoons garlic salt
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 -4 tablespoons butter
butter, for greasing pan
butter, to melt on the mountain at serving time
1. Quarter the spuds, cook in salted water until tender (25-30 min?), drain well, and mash.
2. Add remaining ingredients, mixing well (I use my KitchenAid mixer).
3. Butter a large casserole dish, spoon spuds into the pan, smoothing off the top.
4. Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes OR zap in the microwave until heated through.
5. WARNING: Taste-testing is addictive!
6. SERVE: Stir, then spoon into a lovely LARGE bowl, add a dollop of butter at the top of the mountain.
7. Prepare extra copies of the recipe-someone will ask for it!
8. Prep time refers to peeling spuds & other prep work AND boiling potatoes.
9. Cooking time refers to the time needed to REHEAT in an oven (not microwave) at serving time.