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Thanksgiving Leftover Apple Sandwich
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 5 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 16
i hate dry turkey sandwiches after Thanksgiving. They're miserable things to gnaw on! I came up with this sandwich to make the using up of leftovers less dry!
2 slices wheat bread (or your favorite bread)
1 -2 slice leftover cooked turkey, from your thanksgiving dinner
1/2 thinly sliced baking apple
1 -2 slice sandwich cheese
1 1/2 tablespoons apple butter
1 -2 leaf lettuce
1 teaspoon butter
1. Butter the 2 slices of bread.
2. On the non buttered side of a slice of bread layer apples. My favorite are Winesap!
3. On top of the apples, layer the turkey. If your family is turkey carving challenged like mine, feel free to use as many turkey pieces as your little heart desires!
4. On top of the turkey, layer the cheese. I find that cheddar yields the most interesting taste, but American or provolone, even muenster will work just as well!
5. Toast (do not sandwich yet) in a toaster oven or in the oven on a baking sheet for about 5 minutes at 300°F or until the cheese is melted and the bread is browned.
6. Remove from the heat and spread apple butter on the un buttered side of the other slice of bread, and layer the lettuce on top of the melted cheese.
7. Now you may sandwich the 2 halves and enjoy however you wish! :0).