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Tau Sar Piah
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 1
flaky chinese pastry with mung ben filling
230 g flour
130 g oil
460 g flour
250 g oil
180 g water
1 tsp vinegar
180 g oil
30 g shallots
300 g sugar
3 tsp salt
3 tsp white pepper
600 g peanut
1. Soak the beans for at least 2 hours, steamed and mashed. (actually it's mung beans but since the analyser doesnt recognise mung beans i changed it with peanuts)
2. Add sugar, salt & white pepper to the mashed beans.
3. Heat oil, fry the shallots till brown and fragrant
4. Pour in the bean mixture. Fry till mixture dry and can make into a ball. Divide filling into 100 pieces.
5. Mix ingredient 1 & 2 (A), Divide into 100 pieces
6. Mix ingredient 3 & 4 (B), Divide into 100 pieces
7. Wrap B around A. flatten it and roll it up. Flatten again and roll up.
8. Flatten and wap the filling in it.
9. Brush with egg, top with sesame seed.
10. Bake - 350 F for 10-15 mins.