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Supermans Cold Steak Bearnaise Appetizer
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 20
Sirloin steak OR sirloin tip roast, cooked, thinly sliced, served cold with Bearnaise sauce. Great for Superbowl parties!
this recipe is really very simple and easy, but oh, so delicious
5 thick sirloin steaks *or* 1 sirloin tip roast equivqlent in size
bearnaise sauce
4 egg yolks
juice of 1 lemon
2 cups (1 pound) of butter, melted
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup chopped parsley
4 tablespoons capers
1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar
sprinkle of cayenne
1. Your choice on how the sirloin steaks are cooked, pan fried, grilled OR
2. 1 sirloin tip roast-cook by placing pats of butter over top of roast, cover in Worcestershire sauce, sprinkle with black pepper, cook uncovered in a 375 degree oven until desired doneness
3. When steaks or roast are cooked, cool, and wrap tightly in Saran Wrap. Refrigerate.
5. In top of double boiler, beat egg yolks and lemon juice until well blended
6. Place over bottom half of double boiler
7. Cook slowly over very low heat, never allowing the water to boil
8. Add melted butter slowly, stirring constantly with a WOODEN spoon
9. Add salt, pepper, parsley, capers and vinegar
10. Stir to blend
12. Remove steaks or roast from refrigerator, cut into paper thin slices across the grain. Cut away all fat, then cut into bite sized pieces.
13. Arrange on a platter and serve with Bearnaise sauce. This will serve about 20.