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Strawberry Or Raspberry Trifle
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 10 Minutes
Servings: 12
From the Prepared Pantry: This is a great spring or summer dessert. It’s simply a layers of fresh fruit, raspberry or strawberry cream, and cubed angel food cake, all topped with whipped cream. You can vary the ratios; just make it pretty and serve soon after assembly.
an angel food cake
raspberry or strawberry cream
fresh raspberries or strawberries
whipped cream
a deep glass bowl or clear glasses for individual servings.
strawberry or raspberry cream
8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
3/4 cup raspberry or strawberry puree (it takes about 2 cups of berries)
6 large egg whites
1 1/3 cup granulated sugar
2 envelope unflavored gelatin (.25 ounces)
1/4 cup water
1. In a blender, puree about the raspberries or strawberries.
2. Pour the puree into a sieve to remove seeds—some seeds will most likely remain.
3. With your handheld electric mixer, beat the cream cheese until it’s creamy.
4. Add the puree, and beat again until the ingredients are evenly distributed and smooth.
5. Set aside.
6. Place one inch of water in the bottom pan of a double boiler.
7. Heat the water to simmering, but not boiling.
8. Whisk together the egg whites and sugar in the top pan and place it over the simmering water
9. . With the element set on low heat, continue to whisk the egg mixture until it reaches 110°F, about two to three minutes.
10. Remove the pan from the heat.
11. With your handheld electric mixer, beat the egg white mixture on medium speed until it has doubled in volume and holds a soft peak, about five to seven minutes.
12. Mix gelatin and water together, just to combine; then quickly add it to the egg whites. (If the gelatin sits for very long it will set up.)
13. Beat on slow speed to thoroughly combine.
14. Add the cheese mixture and beat just until smooth.
15. The cream should still hold a soft peak and should mound up when dropped from a spoon.
16. Store the cream in a covered bowl in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it.
17. To assemble the trifle:
18. Place one-inch cubes of angel food cake in the bottom of your bowl.
19. Gently fold the berry puree into the cream.
20. Put a layer of fruit cream over the angel food cake.
21. Put a thin layer of fresh fruit over the fruit cream.
22. Place another layer of cake.
23. Place another layer of cream.
24. Place a thin layer of fruit.
25. Finally, top with whipped cream.