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Stoved Jerusalem Artichokes
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 6
This is from the classic Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book . Jane Grigson is the mother of Sophie Grigson, the UK cookbook writer better known to many users of Zaar. Jan Grigson's Vegetable Book and Fruit Book are a delight to read, and to use, with great descriptions of the origins and meanings of the ingredients. The Vegetable Book was first published in 1978, and is still relevant and contemporary. This recipe sounds fiddly at first, but once you get a grip on the technique it's easy and can also be used with new potatoes, turnips and carrots.
2 kg jerusalem artichokes
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
1. Peel the jerusalem artichokes, cut them into evenly sized pieces of about 1 inch in diameter, putting them into a bowl of acidulated water as you go (so they don’t discolour and so the chance of flatulence is reduced – acidulated water is water with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice in it).
2. As the artichokes need to be cooked in a single layer, you may need two pans.
3. Heat the pans over a moderate flame, putting in enough oil to cover the bases comfortably.
4. Put a heaped tablespoon of butter in each pan, or two tablespoons if you’re using one large pan.
5. Drain and dry the artichokes with kitchen paper and put them in the sizzling fat.
6. Cover them for the first ten minutes, but not too tightly, so that they partly fry and partly steam.
7. Turn them over after five minutes and keep a steady medium heat so that the artichokes begin to turn a light golden brown.
8. Then remove the covers from the pans and give the artichokes a further ten minutes, turning them over from time to time to colour evenly.
9. Be gentle, they are quite delicate and can collapse.
10. As they are done, remove them to a warm dish.
11. When all are cooked, scatter the garlic and parsley over and serve.