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Spanish Chicken Soup
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 160 Minutes
Ready In: 160 Minutes
Servings: 8
My grandma's recipe for spanish chicken soup
1 spanish onion
2 yukon gold potatoes
1 head of cilantro
1/2 bag of baby carrots
1 bunch/head of celery
6 garlic cloves
1 small chicken (roaster size)
1 small can of goya tomato sauce
achote oil/ if you don’t have achote oil one packet of goya sazon will do
olive oil
black pepper
rice/egg noodles/orzo- your preference
1. First take a big pot and fill it with water. And salt and add olive oil to the water and cover.
2. Clean the chicken.
3. Clean and chop onion, celery, cilantro, garlic, potatoes(don’t forget to take the skin off) and Baby Carrots(cut in three's or smaller if you like). The next step is totally up to you but I always salt and pepper my vegetables before I cook them. Also add a little olive oil so the seasoning stick to the Veggies.
4. When the water begins to boil add the chicken and let boil till the chicken is cooked. This will help flavor the chicken. Usually takes about an hour.
5. When the chicken is done set it in a strainer over a big boil so you don’t lose any of the stock and allow to cool.
6. Keep the water boiling and add all the vegetables. With the can of Goya Tomato sauce and Achote Oil/Sazon*. Stir well, reduce heat and let simmer.
7. **Now not many people know what Achote oil is but it is easy to make. All you need is annato seed and Olive oil. Annato seed can be found in the spice or Goya section of your supermarket. All you have to do is pour some olive oil in a small sauce pan about a 1/2 cup or more if you want more. And add about a tbsp. of annato seed. Let simmer till the oil gets a dark red color. Warning do not let the Oil get to hot and boil because the Annato seed will burn and turn the oil red. Make sure to stir a lot. When it’s done, pour it into a jar through a metal strainer so the seeds do not get into the jar. Then throw the seeds away. You can store it in your fridge for about a month and use it sauté vegatables or anything else you can think of. Used a lot in Spanish cooking.** If you don’t have the Achote oil a packet of Sazon will do.
8. After the chicken has cooled, start breaking it up and place it in the soup. Let cook for about 20 minutes and it’s done.
9. Cook some white rice/orzo/egg noodles if you like to add to the soup. My opinion best with rice.