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Southern Hotcakes With Buttermilk
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 4
My Granny always made hotcakes, which are usually just flour and milk. When I was poor, I made them with flour and water! But my husband never liked them, so I made up a new version for him. Update: Due to the downgraded thinness of milk/buttermilk nowadays, the quantities listed are variable. Read more . The batter should be quite thick to make fluffy hotcakes.
2 cups self-rising flour
1/32 tsp baking soda, opt. (too much soda negates the buttermilk taste.)
2/3 cup buttermilk
4/3 cup (sweet) milk
olive oil
1. Sift together flour and soda into bowl.
2. Add wet ingredients and stir well.
3. Spoon batter into cold skillet with no oil if using aluminum pan (if using iron skillet, heat oil to low). Hotcakes should be only 2-3 inches wide.
4. If using aluminum pan, let hotcakes cook a couple of minutes then pour oil on edge of pan and let it run down.
5. Cook hotcakes over low heat (because of buttermilk), browning both sides and cooking through.
6. Serve with syrup and/or butter., or may use as accompaniment to regular breakfast instead of toast. Goes best with Polish sausage slices if not using syrup; best with patty sausage if using maple syrup.