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Soft Wrap Flatbread
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Prep Time: 60 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 60 Minutes
Servings: 8
This is a soft, fluffy flatbread similar to Taco Bell's gorditas or Quizno's Sammies. The recipe comes from King Arthur Flour.
3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 1/4 cups boiling water
1/2 cup potato flakes
1 1/4 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon instant yeast
1. Place 2 cups of the flour into a bowl or the bucket of a bread machine.
2. Pour the boiling water over the flour and stir until smooth.
3. Cover and set mixture aside for 30 minutes.
4. In a separate bowl, whisk together the potato flakes, remaining 1 cup flour, salt, oil and yeast.
5. Add this to the cooled flour/water mixture, stir, and knead for several minutes (by hand, mixer or bread machine) until it forms a soft dough.
6. If using a bread machine, it is not necessary to let it knead the full cycle-about 5 minutes after it gets up to full speed is enough, but the full knead cycle will not hurt it.
7. The dough should form a ball that is somewhat sticky.
8. If kneading by hand, keep your hands and work surface lightly oiled.
9. Let the dough rise, covered, for 1 hour.
10. Divide dough into 8 equal pieces, about 3 ounces each, cover and let rest for 15 to 30 minutes.
11. Roll each dough portion into a 7 or 8 circle.
12. Dry-fry (fry without oil) over medium heat for about 1 minute per side, until puffed and flecked with brown spots.
13. Adjust the heat if they seem to be cooking either too quickly or too slowly-cooking too quickly means they may be raw in the center, while too slowly will dry them out.
14. Transfer the cooked breads to a wire rack, stacking them to keep them soft.
15. Serve immediately, or cool slightly and then store or freeze in plastic bag.