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Sherry Orleans Pralines
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Prep Time: 40 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 40 Minutes
Servings: 20
When I was looking for this recipe today, one daughter said, You should have this memorized by now: brown sugar, pecans, and magic. SOmething I learned the hard way after posting this recipe the first time: Make sure your cook pot is big enough to accomodate boiling. I used a pot that was too small to accomodate a triple batch and transferred the pralines to a pot that was large enough, but not heavy enough. Lighter pans don't conduct heat properly. A double batch I made in the heavy pan worked much better. This comes from a cookbook that is probably out of print, Recipes and Reminiscences of New Orleans. I make double and triple batches.
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup evaporated milk
2 cups pecan halves or 2 cups chopped pecans
1 tablespoon sherry wine or 1 tablespoon vanilla
1. Mix first four ingredients in a heavy saucepan.
2. Cook over medium heat to soft ball stage (236F) stirring constantly.
3. Remove from heat. When mixture stops bubbling, stir in sherry. Cool slightly. Then beat mixture until it thickens slightly.
4. Drop candy from a tablespoon onto waxed paper to form patties. If candy becomes too stiff, drop in a few drops of hot water.