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Serviette/Napkin, French Fold Variation
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Prep Time: 2 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 2 Minutes
Servings: 2
My interest in serviette folding was born on a wet day at my Grandmother's house, I was a pre teen and helping her with the ironing and watched while she ironed serviettes into wonderful shapes and neatly stacked them for use. I asked her to show me how and she did. Once you know several folds and people see them, they often have at least one other that you haven't seen before, you gain knowledge of the new one and on it goes. This one is a variation of Serviette/Napkin Folding, the French Fold. and is super easy.
1 paper, serviette (large)
1 cloth, serviette (large)
1. Lay your serviette square out flat before you in the shape of the square.
2. Fold the bottom left and right corners up to meet the top left and right corners so that you now have a rectangle shape with the crease at the bottom.
3. Put one finger in the very center of the top line of the rectangle. With your other hand take the bottom right corner of the serviette and bring it up in the INSIDE of the servietter to meet the spot where your finger is at the top. This should form two seperate triangles on the right side of your rectangle. Repeat with the left side of the triangle.
4. You should now have a triangle shape that's pointing towards you and there are two triangle flaps on each side.
5. Take the top flap on the right side and twist it up a little so that it no longer extactly matches the triangle point below it, but sits with it's point a little higher up.
6. Then take the top left point and fold it to the right, again not quite meeting the points already on the right. This gives layered effect to the points.
7. Finially the remaining point on the left gets turned to the right, so now you have four points at the top a little like a fan.
8. Take the bottom point (that's closest to you) and twist it undernieth itself in a spiral fashion.
9. Lay the completed serviette carefully on a plate.