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Serbian Cornbread
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 45 Minutes
Ready In: 60 Minutes
Servings: 6
Corn meal is used for making various entrees.In some parts of Serbia it is used for making corn meal mush - kacamak. It is served either with milk, yoghurt,soft cheese. Serbian peasants used to make Proja daily with a little fat, but no eggs, instead of wheat bread.
5 cups cornmeal
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup fat
5 eggs
2 cups milk
1. Sift meal with salt, add fat, eggs, and 1 cup of milk, mix well for 10 minutes.
2. Add the remaining milk.
3. Oil a baking dish.
4. Bake in moderate oven (375 F) When it starts getting a golden color, take out of the oven.
5. Cut into square pieces.
6. It is always served warm as an entree with cheese or kajmak.