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Seafood Russel
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 15
You well never ever forget the taste
russell bread crumbs
1375 gm chinese bread crumbs
100 gm garlic powder
50 gm sweet paprika
50 gm salt
10 gm black pepper
20 gm dry basil
150 gm parmesan cheese
mix all ingredients together.
russell filling
700 gm fish fillet
70 gm butter
150 gm red onion
300 gm shrimp
15 gm garlic
3 gm oregano
2 cubes chicken stock
1/2 tesp. black pepper
100 ml fresh cream
100 ml water
1. Sauté the onion and garlic in the butter until soft.
2. Add oregano , black pepper and stir for one minutes.
3. Add shrimp and cook until red then add fish.
4. Add water and chicken stock and cook for 5 minutes.
5. Put the mixture in food proceed for one minutes until soft.
6. Bring one toast bread and put 15 gm. Of the filling .
7. Put another toast on top and remove the wedges of toast bread.
8. Mix 1 egg with 300 ml. of milk.
9. Put the bread inside the egg wash.
10. thin put5 it in bread crumbs and Cover will.
11. fry the russel but be sure it cover by oil.
12. keep what you want to use in the cooler for 15minutes.
13. cover very will and you can keep it in the freezer