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Seafoam Frosting
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 20 Minutes
Servings: 6
From The Madison County Cookbook.
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1/3 cup cold water
2 egg whites
2 teaspoons light corn syrup
1 dash salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1. In top of a double boiler combine sugar, water, egg whites, corn syrup, and salt.
2. Beat on low speed with electric mixer for 30 seconds to blend.
3. Place over boiling water, beating constantly on high speed of mixer.
4. Cook for about 7 minute or until frosting forms stiff peaks. Remove from heat and add vanilla.
5. Beat 2 to 3 minutes longer or until of spreading consistency.
6. Frosts tops and sides of 2 8 or 9-in. layers or one 10-in. tube cake.