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Scrambled Egg With Smoked Salmon
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 5 Minutes
Ready In: 10 Minutes
Servings: 4
A simple breakfast idea mixing the smokey flavours of fresh cured salmon and traditional scrambled eggs, served on toast.
2 slices bread
2 large eggs
100 ml milk
5 basil leaves, chopped
50 g fresh smoked salmon, slices
1 pinch salt
1 pinch black pepper
10 g butter or 10 g oil, to coat the pan
1. warm a pan and add the butter to coat it.
2. mix the egg and milk and pour into pan.
3. cooking on a warm to medium heat gently stir the eggs until almost ready for serving
4. when the mixture is still a little runny add the salmon and chopped basil.
5. cook for another minute so the salmon just starts to change colour.
6. Serve on freshly toasted bread.
7. spinkle a little extra basil over.
8. if you have any left also garnish with a twist of salmon.
9. eat at once.