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Say Good-By to Doggy Breath
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 10 Minutes
Servings: 25
If you are not so open to using a commercial breath freshener for your dog, you can try some homemade formulations that may be more effective over the long term. A freind gave this to me & it works great. Good luck & enjoy all the sweet smelling kisses you'll be getting. Plus a few other pleasant benefits.
2 tablespoons fennel
2 tablespoons dill
2 tablespoons parsley
8 drops ginger, extracts
8 drops peppermint or 8 drops spearmint oil
1. I'm not an exact measurer type of cook. I just put in about the same of all the ingredents, except the mint. It's very strong so only use a few drops.
2. Pour some drops in the water bowl. Remember to do that every time you refill the water bowl. They may not like the taste at first, but it'll grow on them.
3. You can also mix this concoction with whatever you are feeding your dog. Fennel, parsley, ginger and dill are very good for digestion and restrict production of gas in the stomach. Peppermint and spearmint oils take care of the bad breath.