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Sauerkraut Or Other Fermented Vegetables
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 8
A raw fermented vegetable dish, great for adding enzymes and beneficial bacteria to your system.
white cabbage
two carrots
salt (to your taste)
optional seasonings (to your taste): dill seed, seaweed, juniper berries, caraway seeds, black pepper corns
for zing: add garlic or ginger
1. - With a food processor or by hand, chop/shred a medium white cabbage.
2. - Add two shredded carrots
3. - Add some salt
4. - Add other seasonings
5. - With your hands, knead the mixture until juice comes out
6. - Pack the mixture into a 1 or 2 quart glass jar, leaving at least 2 inches on the top
7. (the cabbage will expand with the fermentation)
8. - Press firmly so there is no air trapped and the cabbage is drowned in juice
9. - If there is not enough juice to cover the cabbage, fill with salty water
10. - Close the jar with a lid
11. - Cover with a kitchen towel to keep it in the dark
12. - Leave at 70-80 degrees F for 5-7 days, then refrigerate.