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Sandy Raisin Biscuit (Russian Korj)
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 40 Minutes
Ready In: 50 Minutes
Servings: 20
This recipe was given to my mother by a neighbor when I still lived in THA BRONX NYC :D...Its a Russian version of a biscuit, or as called in Russian korjik or korj . Its very popular in bakeries and school cafeterias...It has a sandy texture, some could think too much oil, but that can be reduced :) by whom ever wishes...BUT THEY ARE GOOOOOOOOOOD my family DEMANDS THEM!
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup oil
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup raisins
3 cups all-purpose flour
1. Beat well the eggs with the sugar.
2. Add the oil, mix well.
3. Add the baking powder, Mix again.
4. Add the raising, incorporate well in the eggs.
5. Add the flour one cup at a time, the first two cups will mix well. The third cup, you can use your hands to mix it better because it will be difficult to mix with a fork, or any utensil you usually use.
6. Put in a 9 by 13 rectangular pan, (you can lightly grease it with oil). Put the mixture with a spoon and spread it in the pan and even the top with a spoon.
7. Put in the over for 40-45 minutes, might even take 50. It has to be light brown on top. At 375°F.
8. IMPORTANT: After its ready, cut up into desired pieces immediately, or no longer then 10 minutes after its baked. If you cut it after its cooled, it will brake and will not give defined shape pieces. RECOMMEND to cut into smaller pieces (this will make less then 20 servings) because the biscuits are sandy, therefore easier eat when smaller). In any case, just keep in mind they are sandy and preferred to be smaller ;).