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Salted Eggs
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 30240 Minutes
Ready In: 30245 Minutes
Servings: 6
taken from angie's recipes, we used to purchase salted duck eggs before they became a banned imported item. so now my grandma does it with regular eggs. she soaks them in salt water for months. but this recipe takes a few weeks.
50 g sea salt
45 ml rice wine
10 eggs, preferably duck eggs
1. Bath the raw eggs in a small bowl filled with rice wine.
2. Coat each egg with a layer of sea salt and place them in a Ziploc bag and let stand in a cool place (not refrigerator) for about 3 weeks.
3. Yolks should be a bright orange color and quite firm. The white should be slightly cloudy and still runny.
4. Remove eggs from salt bath and store them in the refrigerator if not ready to use immediately.
5. At this stage, they will still be raw and ready to add to other dishes. The whites will be really salty, but the yolk will be fatty and delicious. You can boil them and just eat them as a side dish, make a batter to fry seafood in, put the yolks in mooncake/jung. put the yolks in a steamed egg custard - the possibilities are endless.