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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 45 Minutes
Ready In: 45 Minutes
Servings: 6
England has Bubble and Squeak, Ireland Colcannon and in Scotland the delicious fry-up of vegetables is called Rumbledethumps. This Rumbledethumps Recipe is based on a classic recipe from Sue Lawrence one of Scotland's most famous cooks. Read more .
1lb 5oz/600g potatoes, peeled, boiled and mashed
14 oz/400g swede or turnip, peeled, boiled and mashed
3 oz/75g unsalted butter
9oz/250g savoy cabbage or kale, finely sliced
salt and pepper
1 oz /25g cheddar cheese, grated
1. Preheat the oven to 350F/180C/Gas 4
2. Place the mashed potato and swede into a large saucepan.
3. In a small frying pan melt 2 oz/ 50g of the butter, add the finely sliced cabbage or kale and cook gently for minutes until softened but not brown.
4. Add the cabbage to the pan of potato and swede, add the remaining butter and mash together. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
5. Place the mashed vegetables in an ovenproof baking dish, sprinkle the cheese on top, cover with a lid and bake in the oven for 30 - 45 mins until heated right through. Remove the lid and cook for a further 5 mins or until golden brown on the top.
6. Serve piping hot as a side dish with a casserole, pie or any hearty foods.
7. /od/scottishregionalrecipes/r/rumbledethumps.htm