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Roast Nectarine Tart
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Prep Time: 40 Minutes
Cook Time: 45 Minutes
Ready In: 85 Minutes
Servings: 8
I made this yesterday for one of my classmate's birthday. Everyone had to bring one dish each so I choose to bring this. It was hot day and kitchen also gets really hot that so hard to make pastry, but in the end I managed to make it somehow. the combination of creamy custard and full of butter flavoured pastry was really nice and the caramelized roast nectarines gave extra flavour and texture! and it looked very pretty too! I think its probably better to make day before and keep the tart in the fridge to firm the custard completely.
8 nectarines, halved, stone removed
1/4 cup orange juice
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 2/3 cups flour
2/3 cup icing sugar
125 g cold butter, chopped
1 egg yolk
1 1/2 tablespoons cold water, approximately (i did not use water since butter started melting and the dough was very very soft)
300 ml thickened cream
1 cup milk
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 vanilla bean
3 egg yolks
2 tablespoons cornflour
90 g unsalted butter
1. Grease 19cm*27cm loose-based flan tin. make pastry.
2. Pastry:.
3. Blend or process flour, sugar and chopped butter until combined.Add egg yolk and enough of the water to make ingredients just come back together.
4. Knead dough on floured surface until smooth. Cover; refrigerate 30 minutes.
5. Preheat the oven to moderate (180°/160 fan-forced).
6. Roll dough between sheets of baking paper until large enough to line prepared tin.
7. Ease dough into prepared tin, press into sides;trim edges.
8. Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes. Cover pastry case with baking paper, fill with dried beans or rice; place on oven tray.
9. Bake, uncovered, 10minutes, remove paper and beans; bake, uncovered, about 10 minutes or until pastry case is browned lightly. cool.
10. Make creme pattissiere while pastry is cooling.
11. Creme pattissiere:.
12. Combine cream, milk and sugar in medium saucepan. Split vanilla bean in half lengthways, scrape seeds into saucepan, then add pod; bring to a boil. Remove from heat;discard pod.
13. Beat egg yolk in small bowl and mix until thick and creamy.beat in cornflour. gradually beat in hot creme mixture. strain mixture into same cleaned saucepan; stir over heat until mixture boils and thickens. Remove from heat; whisk in butter.
14. Cover surface of custard with plastic wrap; cool to room temperature,.
15. Increase oven temperature to hot(220°C/200°C fan-forced).
16. Place nectarines in single layer in large shallow baking dish; sprinkle with juice and sugar.
17. Roast, uncovered, about 20 minutes or until nectarines are soft; cool.
18. Meanwhile, spoon creme pattisiere into pastry case, cover; refrigerate about 30 minutes or until firm. Top with nectarines.