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Recipe for Elephant Stew (From Griot's Cookbook)
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Prep Time: 86400 Minutes
Cook Time: 60480 Minutes
Ready In: 146880 Minutes
Servings: 6
In 1985 (the year my daughter Rachel was born), I bought a book called The Griots' Cookbook: Rare and Well-Done (publisher C. H. Fairfax Company, Columbia Md.). I've been cooking from this book for so long now the pages are all frayed and dog-earred. The recipes here are truly tried and tested - comfort food at its best. But first...a bit of info. Let's start with just what exactly is a Griot. in it's study on blues in America defines a Griot (pronounced 'GREE oh') as a West African performer who perpetuates the oral traditions of a family, village, or leader by singing histories and tales. Griots typically perform alone, accompanying themselves on a stringed instrument, and are considered by many musicologists a critical African root of the solo acoustic blues that developed among African American communities during the early 20th century. calls them wordsmiths who use poetry, proverbs, and rhythm to teach villagers about their history. Their home is the territory of the Mande peoples, i.e. the states of Mali, Gambia, Guinea and Senegal, where their tradition is alive to this day. Griot is the French term for this class of musicians; the local terms are jeli in northern Mande areas and jali in southern Mande domains. In the Bambara and Malinke languages djeli means griot and also blood . In their inherited duty and vocation, the djeli are the life-blood of Malian society. As oral historians, storytellers, singers and musicians, they keep the past in living contact with the present by acting as ajudicators, arbitrators, even match-makers. Both men and women practice this vocation. As you can guess, this is a very special cookbook and well-beloved in my house. This book is now rare and extremely difficult to find. It was compiled by American Griots Alice McGill, Mary Carter Washington and Elmira M. Washington, all well-known and familiar local names if you were born and bred in Baltimore. The book was created as a fund-raiser for the local jazz station, WEAA broadcasting from the campus of Morgan State University which is where I work. With that background, I shall share the very first recipe that appears in the book...don't be afraid to read it through. I promise you, it's worth it!
1 medium elephant, diced
1 dash salt and pepper
1 onion
16 ounces elbow macaroni
2 rabbits
1. After the 60 days it takes to dice the elephant, put in a 5 ton casserole. Add salt, pepper, onion and simmer gently for 6 weeks.
2. During the last seven minutes, add the macaroni.
3. This serves 3,462 guests. If the guests bring guests, add the rabbits, but only if absolutely necessary because most people don't like to find hare in their stew.
4. Ok - so the first recipe was a funny - but funnies feed the soul too!