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Rachel's Lite Ambrosia
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 60
Most ambrosia recipes usually gross me out because of too many ingredients I don't want, or the base is just too sweet. I made it a bit lighter and it should satisfy your sweet tooth without being's really that canned pineapple in heavy syrup. Here, you don't miss out on the pineapple flavor, but you do miss out on the calories! Feel free to double/triple/etc. for parties and potlucks.
1 cup strawberry (a half-pint)
1 cup papaya, chunks (about 1/4 of a papaya)
1/4 cup maraschino cherry
1 cup plain yogurt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
5 -6 drops pineapple extract (no more than 1/8 tsp or so)
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/3 cup sweetened desiccated coconut ( angel flake coconut)
1. Prepare the yogurt base by first putting the cup of plain yogurt into a serving bowl, stir it well to get all the lumps and liquid dispersion out.
2. Add the sugar and lemon juice, stir again.
3. Pineapple extract- using a rounded 1/4-tsp size measuring spoon is good for this if you don't have an extender spoon, carefully pour into it, filling it a little less than halfway. Or, use a dropper to get about 5-6 drops of extract. Don't put in too much- a little really goes a long way with this stuff!
4. No matter how you get it, put the teensy bit of pineapple extract into the yogurt mix and blend it well.
5. Wash, husk, and cut the strawberries.
6. Put the chopped strawberries into the yogurt and mix them in along with the papaya chunks and cherries.
7. Add the shredded coconut to the mix.