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Quick Tomatillo Pico De Gallo
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 60 Minutes
Ready In: 75 Minutes
Servings: 6
A fresh salsa that's easy to make and a little different than typical pico de gallo
2 ripe large tomatoes (chopped)
10 tomatillos (discard husks & chop)
4 cloves (minced)
1 teaspoon dried oregano leaves
1 jalapeno (minced)
salt & pepper
1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
2. Add salt and pepper.
3. Refrigerate & set aside for an hour or so.
4. Enjoy with chips, as a side dish/salad (great with omelets, scrambled eggs, grilled meats, poultry & fish).
5. Keeps for several days, but tastes best shortly after it's been prepared.