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Puffed Pancake
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 20 Minutes
Servings: 6
This is a breakfast I make all the time. It,s so easy to do and you can add lots of different things to it so it's never the same twice!
6 large eggs
1 cup milk
1/4 cup orange juice
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup flour
i have also added different things to it such as sausage, bacon , ham, apples, pears, onions.... you get the idea. i just put them in the pan before i add the batter.
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2. Get a 9x13 baking pan or any metal or glass pan of comperable size (just be sure the sides are at least 3 inches high).
3. Place 1/4 cup butter in the pan( or you can use cooking spray ,thats what I use most of the time, and spray good).
4. Put pan in the oven and let heat up and melt butter if you use it (just keep a close eye on it & don't let it burn).
5. Place all ingredients in a blender( or you can use bowl & hand mixer) and blend until smooth.
6. When pan is hot and butter is melted add any extras that you like ... or not.
7. Then add batter .
8. Bake 20 minutes.
9. If you don't add anything to the batter it will rise up especially around the edges and start to curl in ( this works better when using butter) and if you add things it will be more flat.
10. We have often made this plain and added things after cooking. Some ideas are fruit, maple syrup, confection sugar, honey, know what you like!
11. *I have also cut this recipe in half and it does just fine .Just use a smaller pan and cut cooking time to 10 minutes.