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Post-Waxing Cure for a Sensitive Skin Face
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Prep Time: 60 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 80 Minutes
Servings: 1
This wonderfully interesting remedy is from the book Ooh la la! Perfect face by Susie Galvez. Enjoy!
3 cups camomile tea
water, as required
milk, as required
1. Make the chamomile tea following the instructions on the packet.
2. Allow it to cool completely.
3. Pour into an ice cube tray and freeze.
4. Once its frozen, remove a frozen chamomile cube and wrap it in a cotton gauze.
5. Gently, rub it on your face for 5 minutes.
6. Then, dip a clean cotton ball in plain milk.
7. Press the cotton ball over your entire face for 5 minutes.
8. Just lie back in your bed.
9. Relax, enjoy the moment, play on some soft music and rest while your skin too takes a nap to feel calm and de-stressed!