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Plum and Ginger Mousse
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Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Cook Time: 240 Minutes
Ready In: 270 Minutes
Servings: 4
Stolen from Dan Lepard's Guardian cookery piece. It looks yummy, I haven't tried it though. Prep time looks long because it includes around 4 hours chill time before serving.
450 g ripe plums
50 ml water
250 ml milk
150 g caster sugar
2 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons cornflour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
75 g preserved gingerroot, finely sliced and chopped
250 ml double cream
1. Stone and roughly chop plums.
2. In a pan, place the chopped plums and water then slowly bring up to a simmer and cook for around 10 minutes. Let the mixture reduce by a third to a half.
3. Remove from the heat and set aside.
4. Whisk milk with 50 of the sugar, egg yolks, cornflour and vanilla. Tip into a fresh pan and bring to the boil - whisk continually.
5. Remove from the heat then stir in the cooled plum. Set aside until cold - can put in fridge.
6. Stir together egg whites and remaining sugar, then heat in a bowl over hot water until piping hot. Alternatively, heat in 3 short burst in the microwave on high setting, stirring every 10 seconds.
7. Beat the egg mixture with a whisk (electric or man power) until it becomes a thick glossy meringue.
8. Beat cream until thick.
9. Fold the plum mixture and chopped ginger through the meringue, then gently fold through the cream.
10. Divide between 6 containers (recipes suggests whiskey tumblers - you can use this as a size guide for choosing whichever pot you prefer) and chill for 4 hours before serving.