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Pat's Easy Scrambled Eggs
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 1
One trick to great scrambled eggs is not an ingredient - it's TIME. I really don't like scorched eggs so I take my time making them over very low heat and boy do they turn out nice. And I used to add milk to my scrambled eggs and omlettes until I saw The Frugal Gourmet (Jeff Smith) adding WATER. Don't ask me why but, in my opinion, water makes better scrambled eggs than milk - that's subjective but it works for me. I also use red pepper because it digests MUCH easier than black pepper and tastes great too, adding almost no heat at all in this quantity. The ground red pepper also makes an attractive garnish. Finally, the aroma of a fresh orange slice garnish alongside these eggs just makes them twice as good as they already are. Finally, this recipe should very much help out NEW CHEFS who have experienced trouble in cooking eggs. Enjoy!
3 large eggs
1 1/2 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon table salt
1 pinch ground red pepper
1/2 teaspoon bacon drippings (optional)
1 tablespoon salted butter
1 orange slice (garnish)
1. Over VERY low heat in a non-stick skillet, add the butter and bacon drippings and allow the butter to melt and heat.
2. Crack the eggs into a medium bowl and beat them with a fork for about 15 seconds. Then, add the water and beat them for 15 seconds longer.
3. Pour the beaten eggs into the skillet of heated grease/butter and allow them to slowly solidify over the low heat, turning large chunks of egg as necessary. DO NOT add seasonings yet.
4. Remove the eggs from the heat and plate them up before they dry out! Try them immediately past the runny stage. Add the salt and pepper once the eggs are on the plate. After salting and peppering the eggs, add the orange slice on the side as a garnish.
5. Serve with jellied toast or buttered biscuits.