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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 45 Minutes
Ready In: 45 Minutes
Servings: 6
O.K, we have all seen the movie Ratatoullie by now. Well, my kids were so inspired to cook, they rushed into the kitchen and asked their Super Mom to make what they had just seen on the show. Well, being the Frugal Pantry Cook that I am, I had to come up with several substitutes for the ingredients it called for. Read more . Thus was born Patatoullie . To my suprise, they loved it!
6 medium potatoes,( peeled and sliced thin)
1 shallot onion (diced)
2 cans savory sides rio grande vegetables (pureed smooth)
1/2 cup parmesean cheese grated
2 stalks celery (small slices)
1 cup cheddar cheese (grated)
1. Mix the pureed Rio Grande Vegetables with 1/2 the parmesean cheese
2. Smooth 1/2 cup mixture into bottom of glass dish
3. Layer potatoes in a circular fashion until entire bottom is covered
4. Smooth 1/2 cup mixture onto potatoes
5. Sprinkle with handful of celery bits and Cheddar Cheese
6. Continue until all ingredients have been layered together.
7. Cover with lid or parchment paper and bake in the oven at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes or until potatoes are soft.
8. Remove from oven, top with shallot onions and parmesean, serve warm.