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Parsnip and Fennel Soup
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 40 Minutes
Ready In: 55 Minutes
Servings: 6
A nice smooth tasting soup that can also be made without the galic, but personaly I think the garlic adds a nice taste to it. I found it in a soup recipe book that I got when my DH couldn't eat any solids
50 g butter
500 g parsnips, cubed
500 g fennel bulbs, cubed
2 small onions, small and chopped
3 tablespoons cornflour
2 pints vegetable stock
150 ml double cream
2 garlic cloves
salt and pepper
1. melt butter. add parsnips, fennel, garlic and onions and cook on moderate heat for 15 min, or until veg is soft.
2. In a small bowl mix cornflour with 1/4 pt of the stock u til thick and smooth.
3. fold mixture into the vegetables, then pour the remaining stock, stirring continuously.
4. bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 20 min, stirring often.
5. Place in a blender, then put back into saucepan.
6. season to taste, stir in cream and heat without boiling.
7. serve at once in warmed up soup bowls.