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Pan Tostado
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 5 Minutes
Ready In: 5 Minutes
Servings: 8
During Spanish Civil War people used tomatoes to soften their old and dry bread, and added garlic for taste. This very tasteful toast is utterly simple to make, it's fun to just serve the tomatoes, garlic cloves, olive oil and sea salt and let your guests make their own Pan Tostado's after you have toasted the slices of bread on the BBQ! Read more !
sourdough bread in thick slices
ripe tomatoes, in halves
garlic cloves, peeled
extra viergine olive oil
(sea) salt
1. Toast the slices of bread on the BBQ (or in the oven or grill or over an open fire if you like)
2. Put the toasted bread on the table.
3. Take a garlic clove and scrape this on the toast, as much as you like (I prefer half a clove per slice ;)
4. Take a piece of tomato and firmly scrub this over the toast as well, so it can soak up all the tomato juices.
5. Sprinkle with some olive oil.
6. Finally add a pinch of salt (to taste).
7. Enjoy!