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Prep Time: 2 Minutes
Cook Time: 5 Minutes
Ready In: 7 Minutes
Servings: 12
An omelette perfect for breakfast or for lunch that's sure to give you a healthy start to your day.
1 large egg
2 slices avocados
1 slice cheddar cheese
2 slices tomatoes
1 slice chicken breast
5 tablespoons salsa
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1. In a small bowl, crack egg and mix.
2. Add in salt and pepper.
3. Over medium to high heat, pour in egg into a pan.
4. When it's slightly settled, and you can lift the edges up, put in avocado pieces on one side of the egg.
5. Add the slice of chicken on top.
6. Sprinkle as much cheese as you like. (I suggest minimal for a low fat recipe).
7. Top with two generous slices of ripe tomato.
8. Fold the other half over.
9. Let settle and cool.
10. Enjoy with some salsa and olives on the side!