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Omelet With Smoked Mackerel And Spinach
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 1
Omelet, a classic for breakfast. Though, we like it as breakfast for dinner as well, with oven fried sweet potatoes and a green salad. I often play with the fillings and put in, what is in the fridge. This time spinach, onion, queso fresco and smoked mackerel ( Yeah, I know, usually it's smoked salmon, which would work great, but i only had mackerel :). Read more . Turned out very nice ...
2 or 3 eggs
1 tb milk
1 tb butter
1 bn spinach
1/4 onion, fine dice
1/2 garlic clove, fine dice
50 g smoked mackerel or salmon, diced
100 g queso fresco, or creme cheese
1. Heat oil in pan, sweat onion and garlic, until soft. Add washed spinach and let wilt. Season with S+P, nutmeg. let cool and squeeze dry. Beat egg with milk, until smooth. Don't overbeat. Season with S+P.
2. Heat butter in a heavy non stick pan ( cast iron works great ), until foamy. Add egg and let sit for a couple min., until somewhat set. With a spatula, lift edge of egg and tilt pan, so the liquid egg can flow underneath the cooked portion. Work your way around the pan. When the surface starts to look dryer, top egg with spinach, fish and cheese. Let heat through for a minute, than fold one third of the egg over. Slide omelet on plate with the folded side first and fold over last third, when omelet is slipping out of pan. Sprinkle with some more cheese and serve.
3. Oven fried sweet potatoes and a green salad with vinaigrette pair well with the omelet.