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Oh My God These Are The Best Potatoes In The Cosmos!
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Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 40 Minutes
Ready In: 60 Minutes
Servings: 4
These really are 'THE BEST' potatoes I've had in all these 23 long long years of my life! You have to try these sometime. This is a very easy side-dish to put together. You can serve it with white bread as well. You can pack it for a snack for yourself/a family member by spooning in some of this vegetable on a slice of bread and topping it with another slice. If you have a kid who loves potatoes(I'm thinking of the kid in me in my school days), then, spread a layer of the vegetable on a bread slice and put a layer of Heinz Tomato Ketchup over it and top it off with another slice of bread. You'll love it! I like food with minimal masalas(spices). This is one of my most prized recipes. When you do try these, think of me. We make these at home on the days we are fasting, we make these alot when we are potato crazy:-) I wish this recipe gets alot of good good reviews!!
1 tablespoon oil
4 potatoes, washed,peeled and cubed
5 -6 sprigs of fresh curry leaves, washed and torn
1 1/2 tablespoons cumin seeds
1 1/2 teaspoons turmeric powder
2 teaspoons salt
3 medium green chilies, washed,ends removed and finely chopped
1 cup water
1. Wash potatoes under plenty of running tap water.
2. Peel them and then cut them into cubes of about an inch in size.
3. Put'em in a large bowl and keep aside.
4. Now, heat oil in a skillet on medium-high flame.
5. When hot, put in the cumin seeds and allow to crackle for 15 seconds.
6. Then, add the green chillies and the curry leaves (tear the curry leaves with your fingers before you add them to bring out the best flavour out of them).
7. Saute lightly on low-medium flame.
8. Now, gently fold in the potatoes and mix well.
9. Allow to cook, uncovered, for 5 minutes.
10. Add the turmeric powder and salt.
11. Mix well.
12. Allow to cook, uncovered, for 10 minutes on medium flame, mixing occasionally (every 3-4 minutes).
13. Stir in water, then cover with a lid, and allow the potatoes to cook on medium flame till all the water has been absorbed by the potatoes and they are tender and cooked.
14. Remember to stir the potatoes while they are cooking, every 5 minutes, to avoid them sticking to the bottom of the skillet (since it will be covered).
15. It will take 20-25 minutes for the potatoes to cook.
16. Remove from flame.
17. Serve immediately (hot) with puris (recipe number: 44025) or with rotis or with rice and yogurt on the side.